
Friday 17 August 2012

My 1st Endo Case , #14

My 1st Endo Case ..
Done under supervision of Dr.Musab
Special Thanks to Dr.Musab, Dr.Marwa

tooth # 14
tooth was already accessed .. to be crowned

Preoperative Radiograph

Working length Radiograph

Master cone Radiograph

After Obturation Radiograph

Monday 13 August 2012

Endo Case - Necrotic Tooth #24

My spesial thanks to Dr.Abdallah Oglah

 Necrotic tooth #24

After instrumentation

Master cone slection for eah canal

 After Obturation

Crown preperation Tooth 27

My spesial thanks to Dr.Iyad, Dr.Amawiya, Dr.Amina & Dr.Raghid
Crown preperation Tooth 27 .. abutment for CO-CR. RPD

After preperation

Take impression with spacer
 Place Retraction cord so you will be able to record the finish line

Remove Spacer & place impression material in the tray

Remove Retraction cord & place some of impression material over the tooth

after that disinfect & send it to the Lab

Placement of Temporary crown .. ,, try to keep crown clean from the cement & remove all excess cement around soft tissue so it will not get inflamed 

After delivery

Endo Retreatment Case

My spesial thanks to Dr.Musab, Dr.Dunia, Dr.Marwa & Dr.Tariq

Endo Retreatment Case
cause of failure was : Missing MB2 & defective filling

before treatment


after removal defective filling & caries .. placement of matrix band



Build up with self cured GIC & access opening

X-Ray before Retreatment


After GP removal + working length

working length for MB2


After obturation


2nd visit , Removal of GIC

Itching + Bonding


During Composite placement

After treatment



After Treatment

Sunday 12 August 2012


My spesial thanks to Dr.Iyad, Dr.Amawiya, Dr.Amina & Dr.Raghid

28 years old female came to clinic with multiple e-edentulous areas on the both upper & lower arches 

-Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
- Select Abutments "Canines + 2nd Premolars "

- Direct retainers
- Major connectors "lingual bar"
- Position of rests
- bracing & retentive arms

To Do:
- Draw design on surveyed cast
- Design should be approved before any treatment started:
1) affects of direct restorations
2) can influence need for / preperations of crowns
3) insures RPD can completed successfully
4) Survay, tripod, heights of contour

Final impression for partial dentures:
1) framework impression > border molding "using thermoplastic compound", material used "polyvinyl Siloxane"
2) Altered cast impression

prior to final impression make alginate impression to check :
1) guiding planes
2) Rest seats
3) Retentive areas
4) Hights of contour

Master cast

Pour 2ndry cast "Lab will transfer design to this cast"

RPD Protocol summary: 1.Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Hygiene2.Diagnostic Casts3.Draw Design & list abutment modifications4.Instructor Approval5.Abutment modifications6.Preliminary impression to check mod.’s7.Final Framework Impression8.Pour two casts
9.Draw design on 2nd cast10.Instructor approval/corrections11.Cast to Lab with 1st pour & prescription12.Inspect framework waxup13.Framework Adjustment14.Altered Cast impression, if needed15.Try-in with teeth in wax16.Process, deliver to patient

after selecting design .. metal try in in the cast

Metal try in in the pt. mouth

Occlusal registration using wax