
Saturday 25 January 2014

Sequamous Cell Carcinoma

Oral & Maxillofacial  Surgery Department - AlQasemi Hospital , Attendance with Dr, M. Karas 

Dx: Well Differentiated SCC - Bone erosion !

Patien should be medically fit for the GA 

The report shows that it is "well differentiated lesion, which couldn't be treated by radiotherapy" , patient needs more investigation , 

The Rx. of Choice is Surgery . If there is enough bone, then segmental part of mandible will be removed. If NOT , then the whole segment should be removed. 

Patient has bone erosion. 

GA is critical as he is 90 Y.O.

* NOTE : - 

"well differentiated" Rx of choice is Surgery, WON'T respond to radiotherapy.

"non differentiated" Rx of choice is Radiotherapy

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