
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Generalized gingivitis - Gingival Disease

Generalized Gingivitis - Gingival Diseases

Chronic gingivitis is an inflamation of the gingival tissues. it is not associated with alveolar bone resorption or apical migration of the junctional epithelium .Pockets >2mm can occurein chronic gingivitis due to an increase in gingival size because of oedema or hyperplasia ( false Pockets ). Different types of gingivitis are described , the commonest type is plaque induced.

Plaque induced gingivitis, Present in virtually all mouths to some extent. The Classic triade of redness, swelling, and bleeding on gentle probingare the diagnostic and are usually associated with a complaint by the patient that the ' gums bleed on brushing. False pocket may also be present.

Inflamatory changes are easily reversible after institution of effective plaque control. while gingivitis is revesible, it should be remembered that calculus and other factores which promote plaque retention (e.g. overhanging restorations) will make adequate oral hygiene diffecult. these factors therefore should be corrected by scaling and appropriate restorative treatment in addition to oral hygiene instruction.

Other types : Gingivitis modifid by systemic factors ,  Gingivitis modifid by medications.

Rx. Done: Full mouth scaling, prophylaxis, patient education & OHI.  



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