
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Clinical tips to manage your clinical time:

5 Clinical tips to manage your clinical time:

1.Always start with lab.
Check if they are finished the clinical request before confirm patient appointment (for example: preparing custom tray, preparing record bases & occlusal rims…etc.)

2. Review your textbook before you come to the clinic … just the steps which you are tend to do it in the selective patient visit
if you have any doubt about any specific step ask your instructor before the date of the patient appointment.
Then follow his recommendation & if you fail in doing the step ask him to help you.

3. Prepare & setup all equipment’s you will need it & you will use it before allowing to the patient enter the clinic.

4. Always work with assistant (don’t work alone) especially in prostho.

5.Always remember that prostho is time consuming procedure which means that you should always manage your time to archive required results

To  gain the patient trust as well as satisfaction

By Dr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Abu Zomer

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