
Thursday 21 November 2013

Hospital Dentistry - GA & Gynecology

Department: General Anesthesia & Gynecology (Dr.Farzana)

Topics Discussed:


Introduction about gynecology, which is the study of a pregnant female. In addition, she discussed the following:

Different terminology in relation to obstetrics:

1) Preconception: counseling before pregnancy. (tests to do to prevent abnormalities to kids.

2) Antipartum: when pregnancy starts

3) Intrapartum: during pregnancy                           

4) Post-partum: immedietly after pregnancy       

5) Post-natal: after 40 days  of delivery                      

Female Reproductive system

Main reproductive system is related to pelvis: uterus, tubes,  ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder &
rectus(pelvic organ)

Pituitary  glands hormones

Prolactin to breast, TSH to thyroid, FSH & LH to ovaries estrogen & progesterone:on endometrium where menstruation takes place

Tests: Thyroid function test, serum product test, astrogen and progesterone test.

Different terminology related to menstruation:

Amenoria: absense of menstration    

oligomenorrhea: scant menstruation

dysmenorrhea: pain during menstruation

polymenorrhea: more than once in a month (2 or 3 times)

menorhagia: heavy bleeding more than 500ml (normal is 80 ml/day)

Crypto menorrhea: vaginal coverage by membrane which Causes retrograde flow of blood & filing the vagina    


expeltion of a fertilized ovum        

Types of abortion

1) Habitual: three or more spontaneous abortion  (due to low progesterone level)                     

2) Invertible abortion: slight opening of uterus head and can't be closed.                  

3) Incomplete abortion: half of the product in & half is out   (contraction)  

4) Complete abortion: empty uterine cavity        

5) Missed abortion: due to abnormal sperm there will be only empty sack.

*molar pregnancy, no chromosome found in sperm, so only x gene, it will be filled with green like structure. Multiple empty ova like grapes in uterus                                                                                

Complications of abortion:         

1) Excessive hemorrhage

2) Infection

3) Tubal blockage

4) Pelvic inflammatory disease

5)asherman syndrome (amenorrhea due to excessive cleaning of uterus after abortion)       

Types of uterus that causes abnormality:                                            
 1) Unicornuate
2)  Bicornaute (heart shape)

3) septa in between

4)  double uterus  


Chromosomal abnormality: 





Threat to pregnancy:                    

                 1) blood abnormality can cause death of fetus

                 2) Polycystic ovaries can cause abortion               


what is torch test:

For diagnosis of toxoplasmosis rubella cytomegallo & herpes virus                                                       


Shows active infection                                                    


To assess patency of tubes by taking photograph of uterus & tubes with radiopaque dye if dye cannot pass there is blockage


cervical cancer:
is caused by Hpv vaccine can be given from age of 9-50 but before virus enters the body


cervical incompetency:
loss of circular fibers of crevice due to excessive forceful curettage



vagina berated with a membrane, blood is in uterus, tubes and endomatrium.

the anthologist introduced the anesthetic machine and how it works.

She also discussed the following:


 - The most common type of anaesthetic machine in use is the continuous-flow anaesthetic machine, which is designed to provide an accurate and continuous supply of medical gases 
- The ventilator is an automatic breathing device, which takes over the rhythmic inflating and deflating of the patient’s lungs in a programmed manner.
The anesthesiologist sets the gas flow, the oxygen concentration, the anesthesia agent concentration, the amount of gas in each breath, and the number of breaths per minute.

- in the machine , each gas has a different colored wire attachment, to avoid any mistakes when attaching and delivering any gas to any patient.

- the normal oxygen saturation in the blood is 97 - 100%, if less than 95% the patient considered to be hypoxemic.

- General Anesthesia is a state characterized by fully reversible drug-induced complete loss of consciousness, awareness of pain and immediate memory.

Pulse oximetry:
Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method allowing the monitoring of the oxygenation of a patient's hemoglobin.

A sensor is placed on a thin part of the patient's body, usually a
 fingertip or in the case of an infant.


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